Saturday, August 24, 2019

Fcators Affecting Vulnerability and Assessment of Needs Assignment

Fcators Affecting Vulnerability and Assessment of Needs - Assignment Example Risks factors responsible for individual’s vulnerability entails such attributes such as highblood pressure, unsafe sex, underweight, heavy alcohol and tobacco consumption, unsafe drinking water, poor sanitation and hygiene. Vulnerable mothers are one of the major and most vulnerable American groups. Many interventions are continuously put in place to improve the welfare of such vulnerable mothers. This entails access to housing, proper diet and health care facilities. This also entails educating school children on proper nutrition and facilitating their immunization requirements. Meeting the needs of vulnerable individuals has always been an uphill task. This is mainly because the problems of such individuals are intertwined and do not exist as independent entities. Drugs and substances abuse has always been the major causative problem with vulnerable mothers, infants and highly abusive persons. Drugs and substances abuse plays a major in enhancing vulnerability of individuals in the U.S. apart from its many health related side effects, it also exposes individuals to many other risks such as HIV and AIDS. Its heavy usage leads to addiction leaving individuals incapable of functioning properly if not under its

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